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Pole Saws can be huge asset to your gardening tool kit. They are perfect for pruning trees and hard to reach places. Making an easy fix out of something that otherwise would be dangerous and difficult if you tried to do it standing on a ladder holding a chainsaw. However just like with virtually all of the gardening tools out there there are so many available how could you possibly find the right one.
In reality there is no one universally perfect tool for each job you just have to find the one that fits you best. Also which companies you personally trust to deliver quality products.
Recently I’ve been looking into alternatives for the common gasoline powered tools that we’ve all probably used at one time or another.
While doing some research I came across a company called Greenworks who manufacture all electric powered gardening tools. It’s not all that popular in the U.S., but has a decent reputation in Europe. I know for some of the hard core gas power fans this is going to be a huge turn off, but hear me out.
The reason that many companies can put out electrical powered products at lower prices than gas powered pole saws or other appliances is that it's cheaper to manufacture electric powered tools these days. Many countries lower taxes for a company doing this and raises them on those who still promote fossil fuel use. In comes the Greenworks PRO 10-Inch 80V Cordless Pole Saw, a strong electric motor pole saw that gets the job done.
Here is a look at some of the notable features of this product:
A lot of times when we are out working on our landscaping or other needs we like to think of ourselves as rough and tough landscapers. Unfortunately that is not always the case especially for those of us who are getting up there in age. Holding up a chainsaw attached to an eight foot pole over your head for a long period of time is not the easiest thing to do. Add to that the fact that in some cases you would be holding up the actual weight of the product plus the weight of the gas you have in the tank. With the Greenworks PRO 10-Inch 80V Cordless Pole Saw you don’t have that problem. The pole saw is always lightweight allowing for easier maneuverability especially through tough to reach places. Also the pole has 3 adjustable lengths. So you won’t always have to be working 8 feet away from your target. You can also get up close and personal if you need to.
While digging up more information on the product I found that most people found it really easy to assemble and start using.
Even a 70 year old lady said that she found it easy to use which can confirm that its probably not that heavy. Other people claim that they were able to cut branches that where 4 to 6 inches thick. From the information I have gathered that is basically the thickest any of these products will cut.
We rate this pole saw high in the performance performance department and medium for cost, a nice balanced set for homeowners. The design of this pole saw is also very attractive, if that matters to you.
For me personally the Greenworks PRO 10-Inch 80V Cordless Pole Saw is a serviceable product that can easily compete performance wise would any other pole saw in the market. It cuts just about the same thickness of branches that most other products do and it has an adjustable length. Something that not all of the products out there actually have. Price wise it is one of the most affordable pole saws out there. It’s probably going to be hard to find a better product in that performance to price ratio. Although I do realize that electric is not something that people are looking for, but gas powered pole saws aren't always as convenient . However I do think it's a perfect starting tool for many of you who are new to this. Just so that you can get the feel and ins and outs of tree grooming. Also if you need it for a very specific job like just cutting down a couple of branches or occasional storm cleanups. There is no reason that you should go out and spend 400 dollars on something you are going to use once and then store in the closet.
You can conveniently purchase this product on Amazon for about $270, with free shipping. Amazon also allows you to add 2-year and 4-year protection for an added price.
You can also visit the official Greenworks website to learn more about this pole saw and the other products the company offers.
Strong buy! If you want to check out more reviews on the product or proof for yourself that this is the fairly priced, high performance pole saw out there check out the Greenworks PRO 10-Inch 80V Cordless Pole Saw So you can also see many of the products Greenworks has to offer and ultimately make the best decision for you!
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