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Do you have a lot of bushes trees, and shrubs around your house and have no idea how to trim them up. Trying to give your bushes a little hair cut with scissors is really a bit of a hassle. Unless of course you are trying to do some fancy sculpture or something of that sort. If you are go right ahead and create some artworks. For the other 99.9% of us that all we want are clean looking bushes and trees you need a tool that can get that done quickly and easy. Also if it can be used to trim tall trees so that you don’t have to get up on a ladder you probably have something special on your hands.
The problem honestly there are a lot of options out there. You couldn’t possibly try them all out and make the best informed decision. So you should start by eliminating them by categories of things you like or don’t like. The most basic is gas powered vs electric. I am usually all for great big powerful tools that have great performance levels for a long period of time. Sadly to say many of the tools that fit this description these days still run on fuel. When you do go green with the electric ones you are typically sacrificing performance. However when it comes to a hedge trimmer you really don’t need a lot of power. Since you are not cutting huge logs or anything like that. So I do believe I can go electric on this one.
I had the DOEWORKS 4AMP Corded 2 in 1 Multi-Angle Telescopic Pole Hedge Trimmer in my sights for a while as a viable option for my trimming needs. I thought it was at a decent price and at least in the pictures it looked to be serviceable.
So I decided to test it out.
It’s easy to use, has the right power for most trimming jobs, and hosts many features that you will rarely find on other pole saws. The 18-inch dual-action blades look like a handful at first. They really respond great and trim anything you need them too with relative ease. Although it's an electric I really think it can stand up to the best of them as far as performance goes. Plus it can extend up to 9 feet in the air to reach probably some of the tallest trees out there in your suburban area.
Just the idea of not having to get up on a ladder anymore was great for me. Also it does not lose power when extended. It has a great grip on the bottom which allows you to move it in all sorts of angles. That is also a comfortable feature as it is a little more on the heavy side. So being able to have a decent grip on it something you will certainly appreciate. It also comes with a brace that can be attached to you while you work witch will also help you grip and distribute the weight. Make sure to use it to avoid injuries there is no need to try and be a hero out there.
Many of the people that have used this product really have no knocks on the product except for the weight issue. Especially when the pole is extended to its maximum length. Some people have said that it is more difficult for shorter people to maneuver that weight around. If you are a short person with short arms and are not particularly a fitness enthusiast you will probably have some trouble gripping and moving the trimmer while fully extended. That is why I always stress that the right tool is the one that adapts to you the best. Really all the negative reviews that were not about weight had to do with how the product came packaged.
I really want to get this out there for a lot of people who are thinking of buying tools online for the first time or are a little unsure of how the whole shipping process works. Always always, buy this type of equipment from the most trusted seller.
Many sellers out there offer better pricing however in reality the difference is just a couple of bucks and the risks could include getting a used product, or that the store simply does not have experience in packaging things properly.
This could result in you receiving a damaged product that will not work properly. That really goes for all of the products out there. As there are people out there trashing many products online about packaging issues. When really that is not something that the manufacture has 100% control over.
On the positive side of things I was really impressed with the DOEWORKS 4AMP Corded 2 in 1 Multi-Angle Telescopic Pole Hedge Trimmer. It totally fit my needs and I guess my body even though I am not the tallest guy out there. Honestly it is really rare to find a landscaping tool with this type of performance at such a low price. The ability to cut at many different angles really sets it apart.
Also you can detach the trimmer from the pole to get a closer cut and for trees or bushes that are at arms length away. This can really help solve the weight issue. Which is a little bit of a bummer, but think of it this way. Many other lightweight pole trimmers out there that extend to great lengths are not reliable at trimming from a distance becomes the pole becomes wobbly.
With the DOEWORKS 4AMP Corded 2 in 1 Multi-Angle Telescopic Pole Hedge Trimmer because of that weight added on you can rest assured that the pole will stay firm and you will get the same precision at a distance.
If you want to know more about the DOEWORKS 4AMP Corded 2 in 1 Multi-Angle Telescopic Pole Hedge Trimmer, like what other people are saying or what products you can compare it to visit amazon.
You can also find the best compliments to accompany your purchase like oil or batteries, as well as buy spare parts for this and many other landscaping products out there!
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